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Hair Implants The Most Promising Methods for Restoring Your Hairline

Sometimes, hair implants are referred to simply as a "hair transplant". This refers to the procedure by which synthetic or real hair is placed in the balding areas of a patient. The goal is to give patients back confidence and restore their thick hair. The process can be very natural and almost undetectable if done correctly. 

Before going for a hair transplant, talk with your doctor in detail. Qualified doctors are available all over the globe to answer any questions you may have. As the first step of your journey begins with a conversation and that’s how you will get to know about their past successful surgeries.

Follicular unit transplant is the most popular method for implanting hair. This method involves removing a small amount of hair from the patient's back and then separating the tiny follicular unit pieces one at a time. After these units have been removed, the surgeon can start the process of transplanting them in the bald area. Although there is slight scarring where the strip was taken, it can be covered with existing hair.

Follicular unit extraction is a newer method for hair implant removal. This method uses a small tool that punches out each hair follicle in the donor area.

The recovery time is another factor that can help you choose the type of hair implant you want.

Hair implants are a large investment so you want to ensure that you make the right decision.