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Instructions Need to Be Followed to Apply for an ITIN

The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number certified by the Internal Revenue Service for individuals who do not have a social security number, but get a certain level of taxable income or receive scholarships, benefits, and rewards of every famous university.

One can apply for an ITIN to fill out a tax return, open a bank account or apply for a mortgage loan in the United States. They are nine-digit number beginning with number nine and used as proof of identity to access all financial services. Many itin services can be trusted not to accept notarized copies of documents from applicants for ITIN.

Only original documents birth certificates, passports, visas, foreign voter cards, driver's licenses, and military identification cards or a certified copy of these documents must be produced. The (CAA) or Certified Acceptance Agent that includes individuals and businesses that cooperate with authorized institutions IRS and help to verify or review all the documents submitted by the applicant and their dependents as a couple.

The original copy of the documents submitted must be sent to the IRS as well. Usually, people write their date of birth in the format of the date, month and year. But for ITIN they must attach all of the dates in the month, date and year form.