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Why You Need A 72 Inch Basketball Hoop For Your Home Court

Having a personal basketball court in your backyard is a great way to stay fit and entertain yourself. However, if you’re serious about playing the game, then you’ll need to invest in the right equipment, including a 72 inch basketball hoop. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider investing in this type of hoop for your home court.  

Official Regulation Size 

The standard regulation size for basketball hoops is 72 inches. This is the same size used in professional and college basketball games. With a 72 inch hoop, you’ll be able to practice and play with the same size hoop as the pros, which will help you become a better player.  

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Increases Challenge 

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, then you’ll need to challenge yourself. A 72 inch basketball hoop is the perfect way to do that. The larger size hoop will make it more difficult for you to make shots, forcing you to work on your accuracy and aim.  

Realistic Experience 

They will give you a more realistic playing experience. This size hoop is the same size used in professional and college games. You’ll be able to practice and play with a hoop that is similar to what you’ll see in a real game, which will help you become a better player.  


It’s designed to withstand more rigorous play, which is important if you’re playing with multiple people. The larger size hoop can also handle more powerful shots, so you won’t have to worry about it breaking or bending.