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Anxiety-related Disorders – Understanding Risk Factors

Every time a person encounters a challenging situation, such as a job interview, deteriorating health of a loved one, or a difficult test, his worries or fears seem to take a toll on his normal life. At times, the worry can be so overwhelming that it can transform into nervous habits, which can be biting fingernails, tapping feet, or apprehending worse. For a person who is in a constant state of tension and anxiety, leading a normal life can be an uphill task.

It is important to consult a physician via this link at the earliest for the evaluation of anxiety-related disorders so that proper remedial measures can be taken. To understand whether someone needs professional help, one should look for the following symptoms of anxiety attacks:

  • extreme muscle tension with constant tremors and twitches
  • shortness of breath and increased heartbeat
  • difficulty in sleeping and concentrating
  • extreme fatigue and feeling of restlessness
  • the feeling of extreme self-consciousness before others

Risk factors related to anxiety-related disorders

Though anxiety-related disorders are the most common psychiatric condition, they are usually overlooked by doctors due to various reasons, one of them being lack of awareness. However, keeping a track of causative factors can go a long way in helping someone deal with the issue.

Anxiety disorders can be more profound in families where people are more predisposed to anxiety attacks. But this does not imply that if a family member suffers from an anxiety disorder, he will invariably pass it on to the future generations.