Benefits Of Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) was signed into law in 2008 and is designed to improve the treatment of mental health and addiction disorders. The act requires health insurance companies to treat mental health and addiction disorders the same as physical health conditions. 

The mental health parity and addiction act also requires companies to provide employees with benefits for mental health and addiction services. These benefits may include access to counseling and therapy, group treatment, medication, and other treatments. Additionally, companies must provide employees with information about mental health and addiction services available through their employer.

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Here are some of the benefits to enacting the MHPAEA. 

  1. It would help to redress the growing inequality in access to mental health care across socioeconomic groups in the country. 

  2. It would make it easier for people with mental illness or addiction to get treatment, as insurance companies would be required to cover mental health and addiction services at the same price as they do medical services. 

  3. This act could help reduce the stigma attached to mental illness and addiction, which could lead to more people seeking treatment. 

  4. It prevent suicide rates from increasing as a result of untreated mental illness or addiction.

The MHPAEA has been effective in reducing rates of mental illness and addiction among employees. In addition, it has helped to increase the number of people who are receiving treatment for these conditions.