A Step By Step Guide To Spokane Chiropractic Care

Assessment of your health history

Chiropractic offices request that patients fill out forms to provide information about their medical history. This is a standard procedure in chiropractic to make sure the doctor has the right information to help his patient.

Chiropractor Consultation

You will discover the many benefits of professional chiropractic in Spokane during a consultation with your chiropractor. Your doctor will review your health history and then discuss with you the best treatment options.

Initial Examination

To create a physical assessment of the patient's health, the initial exam is performed. The chiropractor will use this information along with the health assessment to create a program that addresses specific health issues.

A spinal range of motion test may be included in the initial exam. Your spine's movement and how it hurts can be used to determine the problem areas. Additional tests include an orthopedic test, neurological test, and reflex test. The main areas that are being examined include reflex and posture.


The examination process includes X-rays. The X-rays give the chiropractor a visual representation of any damage or potential problems that might have occurred to your nervous system. This tool will highlight any misalignments in your spine or joints.

After all testing has been completed, your doctor will create a program that is based on the information from your initial exam and health assessment. The doctor will schedule an appointment to meet with you again and go over the cost structure and recommended program.